欢迎来到 屋顶 革命

2021年AHR EXPO创新奖入围者

介绍我们业界最强大、最先进的屋顶机组. An ultra-efficient design delivers complete comfort at the lowest total cost of ownership, while also 减少维护和服务时间.


RTU已经 新概念

新型L™屋顶采用革命性的Lennox®CORE单元 Controller and advanced variable-speed technology to maximize energy 储蓄. 但这只是 一开始. Premium diagnostic features reduce installation, service and maintenance to 提供行业内最低的总拥有成本.


能源 优化

Model L rooftop units deliver the lowest total cost of ownership through variable-speed components and intelligent operation.

  • 节能效率等级 最多22个.预言家,23岁.3 IEER和15.0的EER是业内最高的.
  • 优化湿度控制 with enhanced dehumidification and optional Humiditrol™+ reduces energy usage over traditional hot-gas reheat systems.
  • 符合返利计划的资格,提供了更多省钱的方法.

完整的 安慰

Advanced technologies deliver premium comfort and indoor air quality in a wide range of applications.

  • Humiditrol™+, 伦诺克斯的新调制热气体再热除湿系统, provides energy-efficient dehumidification for superior indoor air quality and year-round comfort.
  • UVC杀菌灯和高merv过滤器选项 provide indoor air quality solutions for comfortable air in diverse climate zones.
  • 调节压缩机和风扇 optimize efficiency and comfort to meet space demands in both single-zone and multi-zone VAV applications.

工程 情报

Lennox®CORE控制系统提供连接服务, 开放的集成, 可靠的性能, 和效率优化,以授权您的组织的所有部分.

  • 移动App界面 provides intuitive guided setup, reports and parameter adjustment to optimize unit operation.
  • 开放集成与控制 使用标准的BACnet IP & 女士/ TP, LONTalk, 恒温器, and all-new wireless 传感器 allow freedom of choice and custom monitoring and control.
  • 诊断和传感器系统, 监控组件性能, 跟踪容量和效率, 并在必要时发出警告, 启用智能资产管理.

简单的 服务

Model L rooftop units maximize efficiency of maintenance and service operations, 降低运营成本,最大限度地减少停机时间.

  • 移动应用界面 集成诊断, 测试和故障排除功能, 与传统的内置接口相比,减少了安装时间.
  • DirectPlus™鼓风机 标准最多12个.5吨消除了传统皮带传动的维护和成本.
  • 简易服务系统, 提供无工具的过滤器访问, 滑出式鼓风机, 隔离压缩机舱, 可接近的气体舱, 这进一步减少了服务时间.

最终 室内空气质量

Factory integrated options provide ideal indoor air quality solutions for a variety of commercial spaces.

  • 过滤 RTU安装MERV 16过滤器提供行业领先的过滤, 可去除高达95%的颗粒 .3微米.
  • 净化 工厂安装的UVC灯处理RTU的内部表面, 针对特定的病毒, 细菌, 还有气流中的霉菌孢子.
  • 除湿, Humiditrol™+ provides energy efficient dehumidification for superior indoor air quality and year-round comfort.

先进的 暖通空调解决方案


  1. 核心控制系统

    CORE unit controller is designed to accelerate equipment install and service. 所有L型屋顶单元的标准配置, CORE集成了降低安装成本的关键技术, 驱动系统效率, 并实现更智能的资产管理.

  2. 与标准BACnet IP和女士/ TP开放集成

    开放集成和控制与标准的BACnet IP & 女士/ TP, LONtalk, 恒温器, and all-new wireless 传感器 empowers customers to choose their own building controls, 允许简单或量身定制的操作.

  3. 引线变频器驱动,变速压缩机

    Variable-speed compressor matches the load in the space to reduce compressor cycling while delivering superior comfort and efficiency.

  4. DirectPlus™鼓风机系统(可选3-12.5吨)

    DirectPlus™鼓风机系统是一个完全可变的, 高效电机直接安装, backwards-curved impeller that provides exceptional performance and lower service and operating costs.

  5. 先进除湿技术

    Humiditrol™+ is a modulating hot-gas reheat dehumidification system that can vary the sensible and latent capa城市 of the Model L unit to dehumidify the space without overcooling it.

  6. 诊断和传感器系统

    诊断和传感器包监控组件性能, 跟踪容量和效率, 并在必要时发出警告, 启用智能资产管理.

  7. Intertwined Tube and Fin Condenser Coil with Independent Refrigeration Circuits

    铜管结构, 增强波纹边铝鳍, flared shoulder tubing connections and silver soldered construction provide exceptional efficiency.

  8. 变速ECM室外风机

    变速室外风扇调节,允许安静, 高效的全年运行和机械冷却操作,温度低至0°F.

想要更多型号1? 探索我们的3d靠谱的十大网投实体平台查看器




提供卓越的性能和效率, the Lennox Model L™ rooftop units and the 核心控制系统 utilize optional wireless 传感器, a mobile service app and a built-in wireless gateway to deliver the lowest cost of ownership.

The Lennox® CORE Service App replaces a traditional built-in user interface on the CORE Unit Controller and provides guided 安装、测试和平衡以及网络集成的设置菜单. Reports that detail runtimes and service history can be exported from the app. The app also facilitates seamless commissioning of wireless 传感器 and sensor networks compatible with the 核心控制系统.


连接 服务

The 核心控制系统 reinvents the service process with a wireless mobile service app, 使设置和服务比以往任何时候都快.


开放 集成

The CORE Unit Controller empowers customers to choose their building controls, 允许简单或量身定制的操作.


可靠的 表演

The 核心控制系统 uses built-in algorithms to deliver key performance indicators and drive unit components simply and reliably.


效率 优化

The CORE Unit Controller optimizes unit operation in real-time by processing advanced sensor inputs, 最大限度地提高能源效率和空间舒适度.

核心服务应用 使服务变得简单

使用CORE单元控制器上的内置无线网关, CORE Service App取代了传统的内置用户界面. 简易引导设置, real-time data readouts and enhanced test functionalities make servicing Lennox rooftop units easier than ever before.


增强的测试功能提供实时传感器读数, 趋势和报告,可以轻松地进行故障排除.


引导设置与进度指示器, detailed help and exportable summaries drives simple and trouble-free setup, 减少类似系统的调试时间.



Calculate how much you can save with the Model L compared to similar rooftop units.



*与Lennox [Energence RTU]模型相比. The 总拥有成本计算器 (the “Calculator”) was built using third party building simulation software. Although a considerable amount of research has been conducted to create the Calculator, 这里提供的信息仅仅是对潜在节省的估计, 仅供参考, 如有更改,恕不另行通知. 实际的节省取决于许多因素, 包括空间占用负荷, 建设规模, 营业时间, 具体地理位置, 天气, 以及其他外部因素. To receive accurate information, a full building study and simulation may be required. 伦诺克斯国际公司. (“lii”)不作任何形式的保证或保证, 明示或暗示, REGARDING THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR OTHERWISE PROVIDED THROUGH THE CALCULATOR, 包括但不限于任何关于其准确性的保证, 完整性, 可靠性, 或适用性, 或任何适销性或适合于特定目的的保证. 这样的储蓄估计并不能保证一定会有储蓄, AND IN NO EVENT WILL ANY REFUND BE GIVEN IN CONNECTION WITH AN ESTIMATE OR THIS CALCULATOR.

在任何情况下我都不承担任何损害赔偿责任, 包括重要的, 偶然的, 直接, 间接, 特殊的, 惩罚性, 或者惩罚性损害赔偿, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE CALCULATOR (WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, 侵权行为, 疏忽, 严格责任或其他). 对计算器的任何依赖均由用户自行承担风险.





{{formatCents(选择.electri城市Spend)}} ¢/千瓦时*




你可以保存 {{formatDollars(结果.储蓄.总)}} 超过{{储蓄TimeSpan}}年的L型

{{formatDollars(结果.储蓄.能量* -1)} {{formatDollars(结果.储蓄.能量* 1)}} 能源+ {{formatDollars(结果.储蓄.服务节省*


*与Lennox [Energence RTU]模型相比. The 总拥有成本计算器 (the “Calculator”) was built using third party building simulation software. Although a considerable amount of research has been conducted to create the Calculator, 这里提供的信息仅仅是对潜在节省的估计, 仅供参考, 如有更改,恕不另行通知. 实际的节省取决于许多因素, 包括空间占用负荷, 建设规模, 营业时间, 具体地理位置, 天气, 以及其他外部因素. To receive accurate information, a full building study and simulation may be required. 伦诺克斯国际公司. (“lii”)不作任何形式的保证或保证, 明示或暗示, REGARDING THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR OTHERWISE PROVIDED THROUGH THE CALCULATOR, 包括但不限于任何关于其准确性的保证, 完整性, 可靠性, 或适用性, 或任何适销性或适合于特定目的的保证. 这样的储蓄估计并不能保证一定会有储蓄, AND IN NO EVENT WILL ANY REFUND BE GIVEN IN CONNECTION WITH AN ESTIMATE OR THIS CALCULATOR.

在任何情况下我都不承担任何损害赔偿责任, 包括重要的, 偶然的, 直接, 间接, 特殊的, 惩罚性, 或者惩罚性损害赔偿, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE CALCULATOR (WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, 侵权行为, 疏忽, 严格责任或其他). 对计算器的任何依赖均由用户自行承担风险.

联系你的伦诺克斯代表 转换成L型